Week 12 (20–26 March 2023)

Let's do bullet points this week:

  • Forgot to mention last time: C and I took part in a bouldering competition organized at our club on 18.3.23! Very friendly as usual for climbing comps, the main difference with Get High in Berlin last year being that it was a club-only thing, so a lot of people knew each other, we all brought food for lunch, V who just started to make beer in Rocles had brought the said beer. I'm also pretty happy with what I climbed: 4 out of 6 purples (which is normally a red-gray at BK in Berlin, but for the competition they were more red-red)
  • ...as a result we climbed less last week: finger skin needs to recover. Wanted to climb outdoors on the weekend but it rained. We did finally manage to see a doctor to get medical clearance for climbing, mandatory for members of the FFME (French mountaineering and climbing association, clubs like ours are registered with it and so must we)
  • A nice hike above Montpezat! (Part of this one, up to the hilltop viewpoint and back.) C thought we'd been there before. I was certain we hadn't. Back home we dug into old journals1: we did the exact same hike on July 28th, 2017.
  • Market update: radish!
  • Garden update: ripping ivy off of fruit trees (using a screwdriver, pruning shears, and patience. It's easier on fig trees—smooth bark—than on plum trees—rough bark). Lots and lots of flowering trees, plum and almond trees are ash-white (love these), peach trees are pink.
  • Admin update (I know you want it): the bank account is finally open! ...but we can't access the e-banking. They sent an account number by mail, then a password also by mail a few days later. I thought this was it, but when I tried to log in, I had to enable 2FA... and the activation code will come by mail, in a few days. Received my first ever checkbook though, which I'm pretty excited to use
  • We joined the association that my grandparents helped run for ages, Clair d'étoiles et Brin d'jardin, focused on promoting amateur astronomy in the region. There was a general assembly where the aging active association members (which I now consider myself a part of) sailed through accounting, and then had a nice potluck dinner. Naturally I'm going to help with the ancient website, which still works pretty reliably considering that nobody really cared for it for years (decades?). WordPress is cool.
  • In the news: violent protests in the Deux-Sèvres department2. Didn't really follow it and I have mixed feelings, but mostly just sadness that it went this far, confusion too. Thoughts for T.


I wrote a bit more about what I watched this week (instead of just logging it), so this will be short. Just links:

There are now 11 notes about films on here!


Not really.


  1. a bit cringy but oh the memories! I absolutely ought to start journaling again (I guess these weeknotes are a little bit similar but no, they're filtered for online publishing. French term for journal is "carnet intime", it has "intimate" in it and that's the whole point)

  2. first time I heard of it. 79.